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What is Offseason?

Offseason is building a $100m portfolio of profitable businesses run by good people. Most will read that and focus on the number in the middle. We're focused on the two words at the end.

Who we are
Who we are
Jason Allen

Jason Allen

July 16, 2024
5 Min

Offseason is building a $100m portfolio of profitable businesses run by good people. Most will read that and focus on the number in the middle. We're focused on the two words at the end.

Let me tell you a bit more how that works. I'm going to keep this short, because goodness knows we both have other things we ought to be working on right now:

What we're not

I think the best place to start here is probably to explain what Offseason isn't, instead of jumping right into what it is.

Offseason is not:

  • A venture capital fund
  • A private equity firm

In simplest terms, we are not 'money managers/movers/allocaters/etc'. I admire and have respect for those who are, especially the ones who do it successfully, but neither the VC nor the PE model was one that called our names.

What we are

The most accurate description of Offseason would be an Incubator / Holding Company, with two important clarifications:

  1. Right now, we are placing a heavy emphasis on the Incubator half of that equation in order to prove an internal model for successfully starting profitable businesses in minimal time and with minimial resources (both financial & other).
  2. The businesses we are currently incubating are the opposite of groundbreaking. They are simple, proven products/services that can be bootstrapped to profitability quickly.

With that clarified (hopefully), let's talk about the three ways we choose to work.

How we work


The first way is what I described above, and is our current primary focus. That is to bootstrap internal ideas into profitable businesses. Our incubator model is a little different than some other startup incubators:

Others: Validate --> Incubate to revenue --> Raise outside capital --> Scale as quickly as possible

Us: Incubate --> Profitability --> Scale as profitably as possible

*Details & specific examples of businesses we might incubate found in a separate post.


The second way we work, and where we hope the bulk of our focus will be placed in the future, is on partnerships with aspiring entrepreneurs. Here again, our focus is on getting to profitability quickly, and scaling accordingly as opposed to securing venture dollars being the 'endgame'.

Here's what partnering with Offseason looks like:

Apply & join --> Define the problem/solution statement --> Setup phase --> Experiment phase --> Validation phase --> Go/no-go decision

*All of this is done together. This is not a course, nor is it "Here's some money, go figure it out". We are in the trenches with you, every step of the way.

**Steps 1-4 of the above are ideally done before you ever leave your full-time job, reducing risk on both sides and giving us a greater chance for success (more on this in a separate post).

***More detail on each step of this process in a separate post.


From time to time, we acquire profitable small businesses that compliment what we're already building in significant ways. This could be a competitor, a similar business in a different geographic location, a bolt-on piece of software, etc.

How you can work with us

There are two ways you can work with Offseason starting today:

  1. We are actively incubating businesses every quarter. Each time we incubate a business, we bring on a 'founding partner' for that specific idea. This is usually someone who has a complementary skillset to our own, or a unique background in the applicable industry or business model.
  2. If you have a business idea you'd like to explore, especially one that lends itself well to bootstrapping, click below and let us hear about it. Could be a digital agency, a home service business, a simple technology startup, or anything else bouncing around that brain of yours.

Our core beliefs

  • Start somewhere.
  • Do the work.
  • Keep on.
  • Enjoy the game.

Join us

Want to build a $1 million+ business together?

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