building profitable businesses with good people
buy businesses,
invest in people
Our Story

While Offseason as an entity is brand new, the story really started 16 years ago.

Who we are
Who we are
The Offseason Brand

Offseason is more than just a name. It is (at the risk of sounding cliche) a lifestyle. The Offseason brand comes from a variety of places, things like empty gyms, a worn-down basketball, and a J. Cole album.

Who we are
Who we are
Vision, Mission, Values

"Be better than you are. Set a goal that seems unattainable, and when you reach that goal, set another one even higher." – Herb Brooks, Head Coach of the 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team ("Miracle on Ice")

Who we are
Who we are
Offseason Thesis [v0.1]

Most theses from investment firms focus on (a) numbers and (b) industries. Offseason's is different. So different, we don't even have one (yet).

Who we are
Who we are

Want to partner with offseason?

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our portfolio

Local Growth Pros
Mesa Media

Our team

Jason Allen
Tyler Ashworth